Written by 2:41 pm Microsoft, PowerShell, Windows, Windows Server

PowerShell: Copy files and additional files with different name


This maybe helps some people which need to copy multiple files. In my example I search for Contoso in files called info_*****.txt I need to copy them and also copy the file data_*****.txt. In this blog post, I am going to show you how you can use PowerShell to copy files and additional files with a different name using PowerShell.

$sourceFolder = "E:\temp\source"
$destinationFolder = "E:\temp\folder1"
$files = Get-ChildItem $sourceFolder -Filter *.txt -Recurse | Select-String "Contoso" # Get all Files with Contoso
Write-Host "Files found: " $files.count # Number of files found
foreach ($file in $files){
Get-Childitem $sourceFolder | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $file.filename } | Copy-Item -Destination $destinationFolder # copy all info_*****.txt files
$name = $file.filename -replace "info_", "data_"
Get-Childitem $sourceFolder | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $name } | Copy-Item -Destination $destinationFolder # copy all data_*****.txt files

More information about Select-String and file copy. You can find more about Select-String on Microsoft Docs. If you want to know more about PowerShell, check out my blog post on how to install PowerShell 6 and PowerShell 7. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments.

Tags: , , , , , , , Last modified: September 13, 2019
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