Tag: install

Install Sysinternals from the Microsoft Store

Microsoft, Windows • 2 Comments

Yesterday at Sysinternals@25 special event for the birthday of the Sysinternals Suite, Mark...
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Install Azure Tools using WinGet

Microsoft Azure, Windows • One Comment

Sometimes you need to set up a fresh developer or admin workstation with all the latest Azure tools available. I created a quick list of...
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Getting started with Windows Package Manager WinGet

Microsoft, PowerShell, Windows

In this blog post I want to quickly share how you can get started with the new Windows Package Manager and the WinGet CLI. At the Microsoft...
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Install Windows Terminal on Windows Server 2022

Windows Server • 17 Comments

As you might know, I am a huge fan of the Windows Terminal, and since Windows Server 2022 by...
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Install Apps from the Microsoft Store using WinGet

Windows • 2 Comments

Back at Build 2020, Microsoft showed a new package manager for Windows called WinGet (Currently in Public Preview)....
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How to install and set up an Azure Stack HCI Host

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Virtualization, Windows Server • One Comment

A couple of months the Azure Stack HCI team announced a new version called Azure Stack HCI version 20H2, which is currently in public...
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How to configure Azure Automatic VM guest OS patching

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Windows, Windows Server • One Comment

If you want to keep your Azure virtual machines (VMs) up-to-date, then there is a service called...
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How to Add the Microsoft Monitoring Agent to Azure Arc Servers

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Windows Server • 3 Comments

To use some of the functionality with Azure Arc enabled servers, like Azure Update Management, Inventory, Change Tracking, Logs, and more,...
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How to Install PowerShell 7 on Windows 10 on ARM

Microsoft, PowerShell, Windows

As you know I am running Surface Pro X as my daily driver, which comes with Windows 10 on ARM. With the release of PowerShell 7.0.2, I want...
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How to Install a Windows Server Container Host

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server • 2 Comments

In this blog post, I want to quickly guide you through how you can install a Windows Server...
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