Written by 5:15 pm Microsoft, System Center, Virtualization, Windows Server

Hyper-V.nu Event 2012 Videos

A few weeks ago was the Hyper-V.nu Community Event in Amsterdam. Carsten Rachfahl recorded the sessions.

Hyper-V.NU – Keynote – Jaap Wesselius and Peter Noorderijk

Hyper-V.NU – Windows Server 8 Hyper-V Networking – Aidan Finn

listen carefully at 59:00 ;-)

Hyper-V.NU – SCVMM 2012 – Maarten Wijsman

Hyper-V.NU – Windows Server 8 Hyper-V Storage — Hans Vredevoort

Hyper-V.NU – Windows 8 DDDD – Ronald Beekelaar


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