Tag: Berlin

Win an Experts Live Europe 2017 Conference Pass

Events, Fun, Hardware, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, System Center, Windows, Windows Server • 8 Comments

UPDATE: Thanks for all the people who joined the raffle, the raffle is closed now and the lucky...
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Speaking at Experts Live Europe 2017 in Berlin

Events, Fun, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, PowerShell, Speaking, System Center, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server

I am proud to announce that I will speak at Experts Live Europe 2017 Conference at August 23-25 in Berlin. Experts Live, formerly known...
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My 2014

Events, Fun, Hardware, Home, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP

Another year ends and I am ready for a new one to start. Since Christmas time is not the busiest...
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4 months working and traveling with the Surface Pro 2 and the Nokia Lumia 1020

Fun, Hardware, Home, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Surface, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Phone • 2 Comments

In October 2013 I got my Surface Pro 2 which replaced my Surface Pro as my daily work device. Some weeks before I also got a Nokia Lumia...
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My 2013

Events, Fun, Hardware, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Surface, System Center, Thomas Maurer, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server • One Comment

Well another year just ends and as in 2011 and 2012 I like to summarize things a little before starting with the next year. This year was...
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