Comments on: The Azure Arc Connected Machine Agent (Azcmagent) Cloud and Datacenter Blog focusing on Microsoft Azure Wed, 02 Jun 2021 10:46:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gus Sun, 09 May 2021 20:55:14 +0000 Hey Thomas,

Nice article! Since the resource providers for Azure Compute and Hybrid Compute are different, I would assum e that as soon as I migrate a server to Azure that was previously onboarded to Azure using ARC, I lost all metadata from the ARC VM and need to recreate all again in my new Azure VM. This would pose a problem for all Managed Identities previously linked to that Azure ARC object, Update Management, TAGs, etc. Curious to better understand what are the other possible implications of moving a server that was onboarded to Azure ARC and now is getting moved to Azure, and all services that would break.
Taking that into perspective, should I also assume that it was a bad design to have Azure ARC as part of a new resource provider, instead of leveraging the Microsoft.Compute but just adding a new attribute to the VM metadata, that is automatically populated by Azure and defines that the VM is in Azure or on-prem/outside Azure?

