Tag: System Center

eBook: 5 Top Questions about SCOM and OMS

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, System Center

Together with Microsoft MVP Dieter Wijckmans, I collaborated on an eBook with Savision about the 5 top questions that we have come across...
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What is next for Windows Server and System Center with a faster release cadence

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, System Center, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server • 4 Comments

A couple of weeks ago at the Microsoft Build Conference, Microsoft released some new information about what is coming in the next version...
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Microsoft Azure Stack – Azure Extension in your Datacenter

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server • One Comment

A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to attend the Microsoft Azure Certified for Hybrid Cloud...
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ONLINE SESSION: Monitoring and Analytics with Microsoft SCOM & OMS

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, PowerShell, Speaking, System Center, Virtualization, Windows Server

I am happy to announce that I will present in another webinar. Together with Savision, Dieter Wijckmans and I will present how to do...
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SCOM Management Pack for Azure Stack

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, System Center, Windows Server

Today, Thomas Roettinger Senior Program Manager in the Azure Stack Team announced the Technical Preview of the Microsoft Azure Stack...
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Speaking at ExpertsLive Australia 2017

Events, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, PowerShell, Speaking, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server

Last year I had the honor to speak at SCU Australia in Melbourne, and I am happy to announce that I...
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Nano Server – The future of Windows Server – Just enough OS

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server

Finally, Microsoft released Windows Server 2016 and with Windows Server 2016 we also get the first version of Nano Server. I had the...
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Speaking at Geekmania 2016

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, PowerShell, Speaking, System Center, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server

Today I can announce that I will speak at Geekmania 2016 at Friday 04.11.2016 at the Pathé Dietlikon. I this is the 4th time I am speaking...
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