Comments on: Run Linux Containers with Docker Desktop and WSL 2 Cloud and Datacenter Blog focusing on Microsoft Azure Wed, 01 Sep 2021 21:04:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Wed, 01 Sep 2021 21:04:08 +0000 Thomas, what are the pros/cons of running Docker in Windows 10 with WSL2 enabled vs Docker in Ubuntu + WSL2 on Windows 10. We had this discussion internally and also other developers wondering about it. Our conclusion is that Docker installed in Ubuntu + WSL2 should run faster. What do you think? We have created this tutorial – for a similar setup but also thinking about running docker in Windows to compare if there is any speed difference. Thanks.

By: Thomas Maurer Wed, 05 Feb 2020 14:34:57 +0000 In reply to Liam.

Hi Liam, Thanks for your comment. They updated the Docker client, the UI etc changed a bit. I will update my blog in the next coming days.

By: Liam Tue, 04 Feb 2020 04:51:33 +0000 Please update guide, screenshots/things do not match and it wont run.

Some bug about PATH enviroment variable being too long?
And I don’t see the WSL context in docker context ls.


By: Eitel Tue, 03 Dec 2019 01:33:50 +0000 Thomas, thanks for a great article. Is it possible to run SQL Server 2019 big data cluster in WSL2? I am looking for a simple way to test both SQL Server and Spark / HDFS on a single node. SQL Server 2019 big data cluster runs on a Kubernetes cluster, so I thought that a good approach, other than spinning a Linux box would be to use WSL2. Im looking for a good article that would explain this, but have not found one. Any ideas? Thnx!

By: Martin Mon, 16 Sep 2019 10:34:20 +0000 Hi, short question, i can run docker natively in wsl2 now, what is the benefit of this technical preview ?


By: Anatolie Sat, 07 Sep 2019 14:27:59 +0000 Searching for a fast development environment today I set up Docker with WSL2 on windows 10.
Then I installed DevilBox and the first project – Shopware 5. I hoped that here Shopware will be faster then on virtual machines on Hyper-V and VirtualBox but I am totally disapointed.
Here Shopware is MUSH slower!
Everywhere I read about WSL2 is written as much faster than SWL1 and Docker also emphasized the performance for WSL2 but I don’t see it being that way. Maybe some settings need to be made in Daemon Settiins in Docker?

By: Gustavo Tue, 27 Aug 2019 23:43:35 +0000 “You can now also do crazy things like run SQL Server on Linux in a Docker container on Windows 10.”
I already can run SQL Server 2017 on Linux container with Docker on Win10 Pro without WSL2, so what is the change ?

By: Charisma Riley Fri, 23 Aug 2019 17:38:06 +0000 Thomas, this article is awesome! Something I can’t find anywhere, though, is how to then run an actual WSL 2 container. I know we are required to be using Ubuntu 18.04 as our default installation, so how does that work? Do I just ‘docker context use wsl’ and then ‘run ubuntu’? Or how does that work?

By: Thomas Maurer Mon, 19 Aug 2019 20:00:59 +0000 In reply to czaby.

Great that it worked for you! :)

By: czaby Mon, 19 Aug 2019 19:49:26 +0000 Amazing things happen. Native linux and docker on windows, who would have thought that.
And it actually runs on my home PC. All it costs was abot 9 EUR for a Windows Pro licence, some time to install and a really great guide like this.
Thank you Thomas.
