Written by 12:28 pm Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, System Center, Virtualization, Windows Server

Great Big Hyper-V Survey of 2012 is Open!

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After the first survey in 2011, the three MVPs, Aidan Finn, Hans Vredevoort and Damian Flynn just released the next big Hyper-V Survey 2012.

About the Survey

The aim of The Great Big Hyper-V Survey is to understand how Hyper-V is being deployed, used, and managed.  This means that we ask questions about lots of subjects including the deployment project, the design of Hyper-V, the implementation of Hyper-V, how you manage it, and the private cloud.  This information is gathered and shared, free of cost, so we can all get a better understanding of how we all are implementing Microsoft virtualization technology.

Just take some time to answer the 72 questions

You can participate in the survey HERE.

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