Tag: Microsoft MVP

Windows Insider MVP Award

Awards, Microsoft, Microsoft MVP, Windows

I am proud to share with you today, that I received the Windows Insider MVP Award from Microsoft,...
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GeekSprech Podcast – Windows Server 2019 (German)

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, Virtualization, Windows Server

Microsoft just released Windows Server 2019 to the public and with that I was invited to be a guest in the GeekSprech Podcast from...
Read More Read More: GeekSprech Podcast – Windows Server 2019 (German)

Speaking at E2EVC 2018 Athens

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, Speaking, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server

I am back from some great travel and speaking opportunities like Experts Live Europe 2018 last week. That said, I’m happy to speak at the...
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Speaking at the Microsoft Azure Stack Customer Event at the HPE Innovation Center in Geneva

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, Speaking

As you might have seen we at itnetX are heavily pushing Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure and Azure Stack. Besides our webinar series about...
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Azure Stack Webinar by Microsoft MVP Thomas Maurer

Hardware, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, Speaking

Together with itnetX we are starting a couple of webinars on Microsoft Azure Stack. I am happy to announce that I will be speaking in the...
Read More Read More: Azure Stack Webinar by Microsoft MVP Thomas Maurer

Speaking about Azure Stack at the Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland 2018

Events, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP, PowerShell, Speaking

I am happy to announce that I will be speaking at this years Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland 2018. Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland is...
Read More Read More: Speaking about Azure Stack at the Global Azure Bootcamp Switzerland 2018

What is in my bag for the Microsoft MVP Summit 2018

Hardware, Microsoft, Microsoft MVP, Surface, Windows, Windows Phone

Soon again I am on my way to the Microsoft MVP Summit 2018 in Redmond. The Microsoft MVP Summit is the yearly, multi-day event, which is...
Read More Read More: What is in my bag for the Microsoft MVP Summit 2018
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