Tag: Azure Stack HCI

Learn Live: Azure Hybrid Cloud Study Hall

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure

Join us for the new Azure Hybrid study hall series. This fourteen-party weekly series will answer...
Read More Read More: Learn Live: Azure Hybrid Cloud Study Hall

Deep Dive on AKS on Azure Stack HCI at Microsoft Ignite

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Speaking, Thomas Maurer, Virtualization, Windows Server

Do you want to learn more about how you can run the Azure Kubernetes Service in your own datacenter running on Azure Stack HCI and get a...
Read More Read More: Deep Dive on AKS on Azure Stack HCI at Microsoft Ignite

Livestream: Azure Hybrid News from Microsoft Ignite

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Speaking, Thomas Maurer, Windows Server

On November 2-4, 2021 Microsoft will host a free online event called Microsoft Ignite. As usual, there will be a lot of news and...
Read More Read More: Livestream: Azure Hybrid News from Microsoft Ignite

Azure Stack HCI Days 2021 recordings available!

Microsoft Azure, Virtualization

Last week I had the chance to speak at the Azure Stack HCI Days 2021, and now the recordings are...
Read More Read More: Azure Stack HCI Days 2021 recordings available!

Speaking at Azure Stack HCI Days 2021

Microsoft Azure, Speaking, Thomas Maurer

I am happy to let you know that this week I will be speaking at the Azure Stack HCI Days 2021 virtual conference. The Azure Stack HCI...
Read More Read More: Speaking at Azure Stack HCI Days 2021

Azure Hybrid and Multicloud Digital Event on June 29

Microsoft Azure

On June 29 Microsoft will be hosting an Azure Hybrid and Multicloud Digital Event with some major announcements on Azure Arc and news...
Read More Read More: Azure Hybrid and Multicloud Digital Event on June 29

Learn about Azure Stack HCI on Microsoft Learn!

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Virtualization, Windows Server

Last week the general availability of the new Azure Stack HCI, our new hybrid cloud hyper-converged...
Read More Read More: Learn about Azure Stack HCI on Microsoft Learn!

Get and Download Azure Stack HCI now!

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Virtualization, Windows Server • One Comment

Yesterday, the Azure Stack HCI team shared some great news; the new Azure Stack HCI is now generally available. Azure Stack HCI is a new...
Read More Read More: Get and Download Azure Stack HCI now!

How to install and set up an Azure Stack HCI Host

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Virtualization, Windows Server • One Comment

A couple of months the Azure Stack HCI team announced a new version called Azure Stack HCI version 20H2, which is currently in public...
Read More Read More: How to install and set up an Azure Stack HCI Host

Check out the new Azure Arc Center – Azure Portal

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure

During the Microsoft Ignite 2020 virtual conference, Azure Arc got a couple of enhancements and...
Read More Read More: Check out the new Azure Arc Center – Azure Portal
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