Tag: Work

My 2014

Events, Fun, Hardware, Home, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft MVP

Another year ends and I am ready for a new one to start. Since Christmas time is not the busiest time of the year, I always find some...
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Cisco Champion 2015

Hardware, Virtualization

Last year it was the first time I was awareded by Cisco with the Cisco Champions Award for 2014....
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First Impressions of the Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Fun, Hardware, Home, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Surface, Windows, Xbox • One Comment

Over a week ago, I finally got my Microsoft Surface Pro 3, and I will try to cover my first impressions in this blog post. Two years ago,...
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My next work machine – Surface Pro 3

Hardware, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, PowerShell, Surface, Windows • One Comment

I am a Surface Pro user since the first hour, the Surface Pro replaced my laptop. After I got my Surface Pro 2 I replaced my Surface Pro it...
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This is why OneNote is Awesome

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Windows • 85 Comments

Well I know I usually blog more about Microsoft Datacenter and Cloud stuff, especially Hyper-V and...
Read More Read More: This is why OneNote is Awesome

Microsoft Case Study: HCI Solutions

Microsoft, System Center, Virtualization, Windows Server

Just a quick link to a Private Cloud Case Study done by Microsoft about one of our partners. Microsoft Case Study: HCI Solutions...
Read More Read More: Microsoft Case Study: HCI Solutions

iPad arrived

Apple, Fun

My iPad arrived last Friday. After playing and testing the iPad the last days, I don’t know how I could live without this device. It...
Read More Read More: iPad arrived
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