Comments on: Azure Arc Enabled Servers Extension Management Cloud and Datacenter Blog focusing on Microsoft Azure Sat, 08 Apr 2023 01:06:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fernando Sat, 08 Apr 2023 01:06:20 +0000 Hi Tomas. I’m starting with Arc. I’ve already completed the official training. In there they also mention DSC as an extension but I’m unable to find it. Is such extension deprecated perhaps?

By: Thomas Maurer Thu, 18 Mar 2021 08:08:31 +0000 In reply to anon ymous.

Yes, you will need to activate it from the Update Management in the Azure Automation account for now. (Just first time activation) Since this is not available on the Azure Arc enable Server page yet. After you have activated it, you will be able to see and manage updates on the Azure Arc enabled Server page.

By: anon ymous Thu, 18 Mar 2021 03:23:21 +0000 ‘UpdateManagement’ solution enablement for Azure Arc machines is not supported from the Azure Portal experience at this time.

By: Giovanni Fleres Fri, 22 Jan 2021 15:28:35 +0000 Hi Thomas,
Please could you confirm that Update Management can be enabled on ARC Servers and what eventually what steps are required ? For example, They aren’t showed in Azure Automation Update Management. Is it required to install Log Analytic agent ?

By: Erik R Thu, 20 Aug 2020 07:32:01 +0000 Hi Thomas,

I am testing Update Management on arc enabled servers but i can not find a way to use the tags for scoping update deployments to the arc enabled servers. When i select the subscription and tag, no arc enabled are servers are being targeted. Am I doing something wrong or is it not supported ?

By: Thomas Maurer Tue, 04 Aug 2020 07:04:10 +0000 In reply to Ruben Correa.

Hi Ruben
This is an interesting use case :) Currently, that is not possible, but would be interesting. I will forward your feedback to the team :)

By: Ruben Correa Mon, 03 Aug 2020 19:23:38 +0000 Hi Thomas,

I was wondering if the Azure Arc Agent will allow us to have some insight into On-prem windows servers with Azure Advisor, in regards to rightsizing recommendations?


By: Thomas Maurer Thu, 23 Jul 2020 07:54:41 +0000 In reply to Sebastian.

great that you are trying Azure Arc. Since, we are in public preview it looks like you did hit a bug. I think I have seen something like this before. I recommend that you open up a support ticket, so the team can get the logs to find out what is wrong.

By: Sebastian Thu, 23 Jul 2020 07:14:52 +0000 Hi, Thomas,
I am testing Azure Arc right now and have an Ubuntu 16.04. test machine on GCP. I was also able to successfully install the Azure Arc Agent (Connected Machine), the machine sends heartbeats and I was able to add it to the update and inventory management and change tracking. What does not work: Monitoring. When I want to enable Monitoring, Azure tries to install the DependencyAgentLinux Extension Version 9.10. 4.10090 on the machine and this failed. Without a concrete error message. Ubuntu 16.04. is supported according to Supported OS List. If the monitoring would still work well, we would like to use Arc in a larger, heterogeneous customer environment.

I would be very happy about a hint what the problem might be.
