Tag: Agent

Check if network connectivity for Azure Arc Connected Machine Agent is blocked

Microsoft Azure • One Comment

To onboard a server to Azure Arc, you will need to install the Azure Connected Machine Agent, which...
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The Azure Arc Connected Machine Agent (Azcmagent)

Microsoft Azure • One Comment

Azure Arc enabled servers allows you to add on-premises servers or servers running on another cloud provider. The onboarding is done by...
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How to Add the Microsoft Monitoring Agent to Azure Arc Servers

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Windows Server • 3 Comments

To use some of the functionality with Azure Arc enabled servers, like Azure Update Management, Inventory, Change Tracking, Logs, and more,...
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Download the Azure Backup Agent

Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, System Center, Virtualization, Windows, Windows Server

Microsoft works heavily on their Microsoft Azure Recovery Services and releases new features for its Azure Backup software. Some of these...
Read More Read More: Download the Azure Backup Agent
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