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System Center Universe Europe 2013 – Review

System Center Universe Europe 2013

Okay finally after two weeks I found some time to write about the System Center Universe Europe 2013 in Bern, Switzerland. I arrived Sunday morning in Bern at the meeting point for the speakers day. The speakers day was organized by Marcel Zehner and the SCU Europe team for all the speakers which came from all over the world. The time was used to visit some famous place around and in Bern and get dinner together.

System Center Universe Europe 2013

On Monday, the event finally started with around 280 attendees and with a look at the official feedback, they were enjoying the event and the sessions. I had the chance to deliver two sessions about Networking in SCVMM on Monday, together with Damian Flynn (MVP), Kevin Greene (MVP) and Michel Lüscher. Tuesday I had another two sessions, one with Carsten Rachfahl (MVP) about what’s new in Hyper-V 2012 R2 and another one with Philipp Witschi (itnetx) about “Ten things every IT Pro should know about”.

Other significant highlights were the attendee’s party on Monday night sponsored by Savision and itnetx and the closing party on Tuesday hosted by Cireson.

You can get more information on the System Center Universe Europe Homepage.

You can also download the slide decks and the session recordings.

By the way, there will be another System Center Universe Europe next year, so mark your calendar.

Tags: , , , , , , , , Last modified: July 3, 2019
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