Comments on: Manage Azure Arc-enabled Azure Stack HCI from Azure Cloud and Datacenter Blog focusing on Microsoft Azure Sat, 28 Jan 2023 10:57:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: T. Sat, 28 Jan 2023 10:57:41 +0000 Hi Thomas. Thanks for your blog. Lots of interesting reads.

Question: Is there any way to play around with this for a sane amount of money in a home lab environment? Something I don’t have to tear down all the time to save $$$? I’m coming from an on prem infrastructure background and I’d love to try this out and get more familiar with hybrid setups. I’d go up to 50-100$ per month. But when I do a quick calculation running this on an NUC (like in your other guide), plus some AKS clusters, monitoring, etc. it gets expensive very quick. Core cost (10$/month) plus vCPU AKS (0.80$/day) alone is breaking the 100$/month… I’m missing something like the VMUG membership for VMware products for non-commercial “I want to learn” kinda scenarios. Sure there are cloud services involved which cost money. But I think the load and amount of data generated for those scenarios on Azure is minimal when most of the “heavy” services run on prem. Or did I miss something or miscalculate?

Thanks for your input :-)
